The human body is a summation of all quantum states defined by individual subatomic particles. Through quantum possibilities, at any time the individuated subatomic particle has the choice to manifest in any form. It may be chosen to manifest as illness in any part of the body, or as pure wholeness, i.e. perfect health.
Essentially what happens in the body is that the individuated particles determine the form of the cumulative sum. This means that consciousness at even the minutest level, i.e. at the subatomic level, associates with all probabilities. This consciousness then accumulates and transfers into individual collective consciousness within the entire body, maintaining the original consciousness developed at the individual subatomic level.
We can view this as the body being the collective consciousness of the consciousness of its individual parts.
We should be aware, though, that even as the body is a sum of its individuated parts, i.e. individuated, in the parlance of quantum mechanics this does not mean “separated.” So even those things that are external to the body also collectively contribute to and make up a greater collective consciousness.
The greater collective consciousness of the external environment is then progressively connected to greater consciousness, combining to form the greatest collective, which is all inclusive.*
Clearly from this perspective we should see that the human body is not separate from its environment. So, the environment and all that appears to be external to the body are in fact connected through consciousness. The body is therefore always in continuous and ongoing contact with that which is external to it and can be influenced.
In this context, we can see that the overall health of the body is affected by this exchange with its external environment.
The continuous contact of the body with the entire environment creates a continuous whole. In this setting the actions of the body, whether in conscious or unconscious awareness, still take place in overall consciousness.
Genes function within our body cells as carriers of information from the environment then act as processors of this information for epigenetic expression. All of these actions take place in unconscious awareness. The interaction between the body and what is external can be then seen as a system-wide event: the body and its actions are never really separate from each other or the whole.
Consciousness, whether in conscious or unconscious awareness, still creates outcomes that consist of the cumulative states of subatomic particles. These cumulative states result either in form, or the precursors of form, such as thought and emotion. These express as electromagnetic energy within the body.
The interaction between what is within and outside the body defines the overall bodily experience. This should be viewed as an exchange and integration of information that then translates into experience for a person.
Consciousness of the body essentially views a set of probabilities about potential experiences in “probability space”, called “imagination space” as it relates to the body.
These probabilities then condense into actual experience for a person, which we then perceive as reality.
We should see then that the body truly is a quantum mechanical machine, capable of generating experiences in perceived “real-space,” from the probabilities perceived in the “imagination-space” of thought.
Experiences in perceived “real-space” can be resonated at either a Level Zero understanding, a Level One understanding or Level Two understanding of connectivity. Depending on the level, there are different interactions with the “environment” or the portion external to the body. In this way, the same person can have very different experiences from the same set-up events.
Essentially what happens in the body is that the individuated particles determine the form of the cumulative sum. This means that consciousness at even the minutest level, i.e. at the subatomic level, associates with all probabilities. This consciousness then accumulates and transfers into individual collective consciousness within the entire body, maintaining the original consciousness developed at the individual subatomic level.
We can view this as the body being the collective consciousness of the consciousness of its individual parts.
We should be aware, though, that even as the body is a sum of its individuated parts, i.e. individuated, in the parlance of quantum mechanics this does not mean “separated.” So even those things that are external to the body also collectively contribute to and make up a greater collective consciousness.
The greater collective consciousness of the external environment is then progressively connected to greater consciousness, combining to form the greatest collective, which is all inclusive.*
Clearly from this perspective we should see that the human body is not separate from its environment. So, the environment and all that appears to be external to the body are in fact connected through consciousness. The body is therefore always in continuous and ongoing contact with that which is external to it and can be influenced.
In this context, we can see that the overall health of the body is affected by this exchange with its external environment.
The continuous contact of the body with the entire environment creates a continuous whole. In this setting the actions of the body, whether in conscious or unconscious awareness, still take place in overall consciousness.
Genes function within our body cells as carriers of information from the environment then act as processors of this information for epigenetic expression. All of these actions take place in unconscious awareness. The interaction between the body and what is external can be then seen as a system-wide event: the body and its actions are never really separate from each other or the whole.
Consciousness, whether in conscious or unconscious awareness, still creates outcomes that consist of the cumulative states of subatomic particles. These cumulative states result either in form, or the precursors of form, such as thought and emotion. These express as electromagnetic energy within the body.
The interaction between what is within and outside the body defines the overall bodily experience. This should be viewed as an exchange and integration of information that then translates into experience for a person.
Consciousness of the body essentially views a set of probabilities about potential experiences in “probability space”, called “imagination space” as it relates to the body.
These probabilities then condense into actual experience for a person, which we then perceive as reality.
We should see then that the body truly is a quantum mechanical machine, capable of generating experiences in perceived “real-space,” from the probabilities perceived in the “imagination-space” of thought.
Experiences in perceived “real-space” can be resonated at either a Level Zero understanding, a Level One understanding or Level Two understanding of connectivity. Depending on the level, there are different interactions with the “environment” or the portion external to the body. In this way, the same person can have very different experiences from the same set-up events.
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