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The Mystery of Acambaro 

Officially, we know the existence of dinosaurs from just over 2 centuries ... Therefore, officially, it is impossible for men who lived 3 000, 4 500 and 6 500 years, have been able to describe and produce figurines representing animals just now discovering. With regard to this dogma, many discoveries, like that of Acambaro are denied despite the evidence of dated ... because they do not fit with what is believed to know.
Dispensed and capable of new features to develop our knowledge. So far we have come ...
1923, is the co Waldemar Julsrud of civilization Churicuaro, discovery disputes, a local collector, will seek to rival that discredit.
1944, near the hill of Toro, discovered thousands of pottery figurines style unknown.
Strives to interest scientists, it offers the curious and the press, which makes a mistake. At the insistence of the issues, assign to the point of revealing his own theory, which will "put the scream in the sky" all archaeologists: according to him, these figurines which are in the company of men come from dinosaurs Atlantis.
From 1945 to 1946, Carlos Perea, head of the archaeological region Acambaro for the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico, will see more official excavations undertaken by the National Museum and the American Museum of Natural History, during which they also found dinosaur figurines.
Although the findings are not officially Julsrud, there is no doubt as to their authenticity.
In 1952, American archaeologist Charles C. Di Peso Acambaro attend for 3 days and lasts for 4 hours at home Julsrud.
Convinced of the authenticity of the piece, wants to buy some for his museum. Julsrud refuses because he never had the intention of profiting from their discovery and do not want to see spread before his collection to be examined by archaeologists. Just made a new enemy. Di Peso finds a rival collector figurines to buy, but the latter has no more than artifacts Tarascans. To avoid losing the sale and will no doubt adjust to old accounts, the seller has andalusia American archaeologist whole thing is mounted on a mixtificación Tinajero (Julsrud employee) and her two children.
Di Peso satisfy this explanation is without any verification. Upon return, your account will not suffer any doubt, the whole affair is nothing more than a sophisticated joke that Julsrud deceived (no one dares to put his honesty into question). In his article in April 1953 of American Antiquity, explains how he came to this conclusion: during an excavation by Tinajero noted that the earth had been moved before, and logically concluded that the devices were placed to be discovered again in his presence. The explanation is very different and will be tested later: Tinajero actually found hiding, but did not have enough time to complete a thorough job to prevent looting and plugged the hole. Again with Di Peso, glad not to disappoint the archaeologist and not wasting any time. Hell is paved with good intentions, it is said ...
Di Peso ensure his conviction of fraud after a thorough review of each of the 32 000 pieces discovered at that time. And that in a span of 4 hours! Claims to have meticulously examined 133 pieces per minute! over 4 hours without stopping! is not an archaeologist but Superman ¡!
Pretend that the parts are false due to the absence of residues in the hollow earth. Julsrud was honored just to clean them thoroughly as I would have done any real archaeologist. Moreover, the fact was confirmed by witnesses, the pieces that had not been cleaned carrying such waste, etc ...
Play here an important point in history when scientific arguments over the true development of an honest inquiry, not being able to take figurines, to discredit Take revenge on the matter, for spite, for we not jeopardize their reputation? We will never know.
Scientific measures taken less than 20 years later contradict. But the evil is done, for any archaeologist classic "Julsrud people" is nothing but an invention and no one will dare to look into the matter forward and risk his career and fame.
In 1954, the Mexican government sends a team of archaeologists, led by Dr. Eduardo Noguerain, ruins on the site and dig into another site, where other figurines were found. Conclude the authenticity of the site and filled with enthusiasm Julsrud in front of numerous witnesses. But 3 weeks later, in his report, deny the authenticity of the figurines of Julsrud due to representations of dinosaurs, too! Fantastic to be true!
Between truth and a ruined career, the choice is difficult for some ... And they risk denying their own discoveries ...
In 1955, the first visit by Charles Hapgood (professor of history and anthropology at the University of New Hampshire) ...
.during which Acambaro in fixed sites and witness the excavation. You will be convinced of the authenticity of the discovery. 
In 1968, the second visit of Charles Hapgood in Acambaro to take samples and submit them to the latest reliable methods of dating: Carbon 14 and thermoluminescence.
3 samples were delivered to the Laboratory of Isotopes Inc. of New Jersey to be dated with carbon 14: Show No. 1 (I-3842): 3590 + 100 1640 BC
Sample No. 2 (I-4015): 6480 + 170 - 4530 BC
Sample No. 3 (I-4031): 120 + 3060 - 1110 BC
In 1972, Arthur Young delivers samples to the laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania dated by thermoluminescence to:
The dates of these samples were uniform, about 2 500 years BC
These measures are reliable science. Therefore ¿archaeological opinion changed? No, because they cling to their dogma. It's impossible that men have known the dinosaurs! And that despite the evidence ...
In 1978, 2 poachers are caught in flagrante delicto salvage excavation near the hill of the goats. Stop 3 300 of which figurines dinosaurs. These figurines are used as currency in exchange for weapons (do gunrunners would pay with trinket?). The Court found that these artifacts were authentic and sentenced to imprisonment.
In 1990, an independent archaeologist, Neal Steedy chosen arbitrarily, for excavation, from a remote location Julsrud. Found some helmets, but no figurines. Carbon 14 tests gave them an antiquity of between 4 000 and 1 500 years. But these data were rejected and proclaimed that such fragments could not stay longer than 20 years in the soil. The remains of what may Chupicuaro, but not those of Julsrud ...



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